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5 Ways THC and CBD Can Help Alleviate Insomnia

Sleepy koala bear in a tree

Insomnia can be an awful battle to suffer through. It’s incredibly draining to not be able to sleep, no matter how exhausted you are mentally and physically. Sometimes it feels like the harder you try to sleep, the more elusive sleep is. 

When you aren’t getting enough sleep, it can affect your mood, energy levels, productivity, creative flow, ability to recover from ailments, and more. A healthy amount of sleep is so important, it even lowers your risk of heart disease and strengthens your body’s immune system!

Don’t get stuck counting sheep in bed at night! THC and CBD are your friends when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Here are 5 ways CBD and THC can help you sleep better.

1. THC & CBD Edibles

Assorted colours and shapes of gummy candies

THC and CBD edibles can be one of the most effective ways to get a good night’s sleep. They take about 45 minutes to 2 hours to take full effect, so edibles are best to take in the evening – after dinner but before it’s time to get ready for bed. That way, you won’t be laying there wide awake, waiting for it to kick in, instead you should feel the relaxing effects guide you to bed. 

It’s each person’s choice whether THC or CBD is the more comfortable option. THC edibles will come with all the effects associated with smoking weed, but will also make it much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep for most people. CBD edibles won’t get you high, but can help you feel mentally relaxed enough to fall asleep, and treat anxiety or pain that might be keeping you up at night. 

Try Baroness’ Comatose Quackers with 250mg THC, or Just Peachy gummies with 375mg CBD per package! 

2. THC or CBD Oil Tinctures

Black and gold dropper bottle with gold accessories on a white plate

Tinctures are a great way to administer both THC and CBD. They are able to be used sublingually, which means you can put the drops of liquid right under your tongue for fast absorption. The tincture will usually take only 15 minutes to take effect when used in this way. 

Try our Miracle Plant THC Tincture or MOTA CBD Sleep Tincture for a faster way to fall asleep!

3. THC:CBD Combo Tinctures

Balanced gold scale with rainbow stripe background

Ever heard of the entourage effect? It’s a term that has been popularized in the cannabis community, referring to the synergistic combination of CBD and THC being more effective than either alone. 

We spend so much time extracting the THC and isolating the CBD from cannabis plants, when nature had it right the first time around! A full spectrum of terpenes and cannabinoids is the most effective way to medicate. 

Our Miracle Plant 1:1 THC:CBD tincture contains 500mg each of THC and CBD combined into one powerful little bottle! Try this balanced blend to beat that pesky insomnia.

4. Indica-Dominant Cannabis Flower

Frosty cannabis buds

Another very fast way to experience the effects of cannabis for insomnia, is to smoke indica-dominant weed. Effects usually take hold anywhere from near-instantly to about 20 minutes later, so this can be a part of your bedtime routine. 

Not everyone wants smoke in their lungs, so there is always the option of vaporizing marijuana, too. 

Looking for a strain to help you sleep? Browse our wide selection of indica marijuana strains, and many of the hybrids will work great as well!

5. Indica-dominant Cannabis Extracts

Person with long hair and sunglasses vaping distillate from a vape pen

For those who prefer to dab or vaporize concentrates, indica-dominant cannabis extracts will also help with insomnia. The smell of consuming extracts is less intrusive than with smoking bud, and the potency is higher, which is attractive to those with a high tolerance to THC. 

Any indica-dominant strain of concentrates will be very helpful towards getting your nightly rest. Smoke some hash, dab some shatter or vape some distillate! You can also add CBD isolate to your list of extracts that can help you get some sleep. 

HybridFast is Canada’s trusted online dispensary, with high-quality products at great prices. We only carry AAA grade marijuana and above, so you can be sure the medicine you receive will be all craft cannabis from experienced growers.